From six months – three years is the optimum period for children to participate in music classes to internalize musical concepts such as beat, rhythm and pitch through voice and body movement. From three to five years usually brain and motor skills have developed sufficiently to begin learning an instrument such as the piano or keyboard. Some children will be ready for piano lessons while others will benefit from a Piano Readiness Program.
The Readiness Program
Provides a supportive learning environment where individual lessons are tailored to the development/needs of your child
Is activity based (songs, games, finger plays, stories, drawing, playing, moving) so that children are engaged, have fun and experience success
Develops awareness of patterning, matching, counting, sorting, keyboard orientation, physical co-ordination/early pianistic technique, pre-reading (both iconic and formal notation) and music fundamentals such as beat, rhythm and pitch.
Encourages beginning improvisatin
Integrates a variety of learning styles (aural, visual, verbal and kinaesthetic) to explore concepts such as - number of sounds, more/less, high/low/middle, going up/coming down, same/different, big/small, loud/soft, short/long, left and right
Leads to a smooth and relaxed transition into Piano for the 4-6 year old
Offers individually tailored and innovative preschool programs
Uses a wide range of resources to supplement learning when necessary including the innovative song, rhyme and finger play collection Finger Dance
Individual lessons typically run for 30-45 mins in duration.
Contact us for further information