• Are individual lessons tailored to suit the interests, motivation and learning style of the student
  • Support the development of self confidence, positive self esteem, creativity, organizational skills, self reflection, independence, relaxation and music for pleasure
  • Focus on aural discrimination, reading notation, piano technique, artistry, musical appreciation, playing chords, improvisation, theory and fundamentals such as beat, rhythm and pitch
  •  Use a range of music and methods including Faber’s Accelerated Piano Adventures for the Older Beginner and Adult Piano Adventures, Norton and McBride –Smith’s American Popular Piano, Encore on Keys Accent on Keys and Achiever Series, Milne’s ‘Getting To..’ series, the Australian Music Examination Board publications and self choice repertoire
  • Provide opportunities for examination preparation using AMEB. Piano For Leisure or Classical Piano and Trinity Guildhall.


Contact us for further information