Creative Relaxation for Young children
How does Relaxation help Children?
Focused relaxation sessions allow children to rest body and mind giving them time to just ‘be.’ Other benefits include enhanced management of stress and emotions, self-awareness, creativity, imagination and listening skills. The process and practise of relaxation intrinsically nurtures children’s spiritual growth and development and their appreciation for others and the natural world.
What is Calm?
Calm is a creative arts program providing opportunities for young children to identify, experience, and practise focused relaxation skills.
Activities designed to enhance mental, physical, emotional and spiritual development are presented in a carefully sequenced series of experiential lessons. Through song, poem, story, music and movement, this program offers a simple relaxation ‘toolbox’ suitable for the very young. Learning through the senses the children are nurtured and given time to experience silence, stillness and reflection.
Will Calm support my preschool program?
Calm integrates naturally with any preschool program developing sequentially over a term during a forty-minute session per week. The format for each session remains similar throughout the program allowing children to feel comfortable and know what to expect.
The Calm program reinforces and supports the vision, principles and practice outlined in the Early Years Learning Framework for Australia 2009 outcomes 1-4. Of particular focus is Outcome 3 ‘Children have a strong sense of well-being.’ The program is taught by an experienced Early Childhood Music Educator and was written specifically for 4 and 5 year old children.
Would you like to know more about Calm?
A detailed educator curriculum outline has been attached. Contact us directly for more information or bookings.
Linda Frampton
Dip.T. M.I.M.T.
Accredited Member of K.M.I.A; VOSA; VMTA